Select one of the following report types. Order a report for only one company at a time.
Get an unbiased, highly-reliable business valuation to preserve your most valued asset - your business.
Secure prequalified financing for selling your business with up to 3 lenders from our national network.
Provide buyers with professional–grade marketing collateral to maximize interest in your business for sale.
Support the due diligence phase with a fast, affordable way to validate the past financial performance of a business.
Order an expert field audit to physically examine an organization's accounts receivables, inventory and assets.
Get a certified appraisal of a commercial property based on objective criteria and in-depth knowledge of the local market.
Get an unbiased, certified appraisal of the operational machinery and equipment assets of a business.
Select one of the following:
Identify the primary purpose of your report:
How many legal business entities need to be valued? Entities must be directly related to each other such as a parent company, operating entity, holding company, and/or marketing company.
What are the annual sales of the business?
Does the owner of the business also own the land or building(s) that the business operates on?
Is the space that the building is operating leased by a family member, friend or related party?
Are you enrolled in BizWorth's Valuation Partner Program? If so, please enter your member code.
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